Strategic Planning


DeLisa Group helps small to mid-sized businesses develop simple yet cohesive 1, 3, and 5 year strategic business plans, including:

  • Development of mission, vision and core values

  • Crafting of high level organizational goals and measurements

  • SWOT analysis

  • Identification of company-wide and functional area initiatives that will help you realize your strategy

  • Crafting of communication and accountability plans


We also facilitate succession and workforce planning exercises designed to help you:

  • Identify vulnerabilities in your organization due to impending retirements or deficient skill sets

  • Craft a well thought out hiring plan

  • Determine where technical vulnerabilities lie

  • Help ensure effective leadership transition

  • Address issues of underrepresentation in management

  • Provide ongoing consult to Senior Leadership and Managers as they transition the leadership function of the company

  • Develop career ladders, employee development plans, training plans and training matrixes