
Executive Coaching: DeLisaGroup provides executive and management coaching for:

• Leaders and High-Level Executives 

• Managers and Supervisors 

• High Potential Non-Managers and Key Contributors 

Coaching engagements serve to: 

• Identify areas of individual strength and needs for improvement. 

• Raise participant self-awareness about the effectiveness of his/her style. • Provide one-on-one coaching support and tools to help improve on weaknesses and  capitalize on strengths. 

• Provide training and education on best practices and effective techniques, appropriate  to the level of management/leadership. 

• Help foster relationships with direct reports, at the peer level, and with higher ups. • Identify ways to leverage cross organizational resources. 

• Supplement ongoing cultural and organizational initiatives (strategic planning,  implementation of strategic plans, succession planning, workforce planning,  organizational restructuring, employee retention, etc.) 

Approach: The coaching relationship is typically a developmental (non-disciplinary) effort and in  the spirit of trust building and to ensure the maximum benefit, discussions between coach and  coachee remain confidential.  

1. Administration of a custom designed feedback survey (“360”) aimed at providing feedback  on individual strengths and weaknesses. 

• Subordinates, peers, and bosses may participate as anonymous respondents.

DeLisaGroup will offer a proposed list of items based on the role to be included on  the survey, with additional items to be written, edited, and added based on client  input. 

• The survey shall be conducted online, with correspondence (notifications,  introductions) drafted by DeLisaGroup. 

• The participant will receive a copy of his/her results, which will typically not be  shared with others in the organization at this time. 

2. Administration of Personality Assessments such as the Hogan HPI, Hogan HDS or Myers  Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) to help both the participant and coach gain insight into  personal preferences, styles, typical behaviors, and the motivation behind them. As with the feedback survey results, these results would remain confidential between coach and  coachee.

3. One-on-one coaching sessions last approximately 1.5-2 hours and are delivered virtually or  on site.  

Sample Outline of Leadership/Executive Level Coaching Engagement 

Session I: Strategy and Planning – Crafting, cascading, and communicating division level strategy, KPIs, metrics, and initiatives. 

Session II: Succession Planning, including an evaluation of current Management team member strengths and weaknesses, as well as the drafting of action and  developmental action plans for Managers. 

Session III: Culture check-in and evaluation, including the identification of cultural  strengths, weaknesses, and action items for improvement. 

Session IV: Developing a High-Performance Team; facilitating the work of teams,  participating as a high functioning team member. 

Sessions V, VI: Effective Leadership Style - Review of feedback and personality  assessment results; motivating others toward improved performance; going from  Manager to Leader. 

Session VII: Leading Change, Wrap-up 

4. Debriefing with Leadership to share general observations and recommendations for next  steps coming out of the coaching engagement.  


• 360 Feedback Survey Report 

• Personality Assessment Reports 

• Executive Coaching (Approximately 7 sessions) 

• Debriefing meeting 

Training and Mentoring: DeLisaGroup also offers both virtual and in person custom-designed  group training and mentoring opportunities for Leaders and Executives interested in developing in the Leadership role: 
